The other day I was given a word of wisdom. I was told, “When you put a piece of bread into a toaster and push the lever down and later you take it out of the toaster, it is still a piece of bread, if you haven’t plugged in the toaster.” How true! No power, no change!
The Daily Bible readings for this first week of the Season of Easter have included passages from the Book of Acts which is Luke’s story of the Christian movement following the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ. Luke’s story is inspiring and challenging. However to fully appreciate what Luke is writing about, it is necessary to read about what happened to the apostles on the Day Pentecost. Prior to Pentecost the disciples of Jesus were like an unplugged toaster; but, after Pentecost their witness to Jesus changed the world. The power of God the Holy Spirit electrified them.
The Holy Spirit continues to work, changing the daily life of people for the glory of God.
Bible Reading: Acts 2:1-21