One of the Bible Readings for today is from the Gospel of Luke. It includes the story of a poor widow whose small offering is actually greater than what the rich man puts in the collection box. This story is also in the Gospel of Mark.
The intention of the story is to remind us that all offerings regardless of size are valuable in the sight of God. What determines the true value of the gift is two-fold. First is the attitude in which it is given. A gift given grudgingly or for recognition loses some of its value, Jesus says. The real gift is the one which is given because the giver’s heart is overflowing with love for others, and is done in gratitude for what God has provided. The Second value is what the gift cost the giver. All gifts are commendable in God’s sight but the truly significant gift is the one which is a sacrifice for the giver, be it a gift of money, time, or talent. Jesus draws his disciples attention to the poor widow’s offering because it was given from a thankful heart and it was all that she had.
All things come from you, O Lord, and of your own have we given you.
Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 29:14; Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4.