On this day, the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, in 2006, the Cathedral Church of the Redeemer, Calgary, was packed for the Consecration of the 8th Bishop of Calgary. At the end of Service which was presided over by Archbishop John Clarke of Athabasca, our new Bishop exited the Chancel and paused at the front of the Nave to offer his arm to his wife, Pauline. Together they walked slowly down the aisle, smiling and nodding at all the familiar faces in the congregation. Yes, this is the 14th anniversary of my becoming a bishop in the Church of God.
This Feast Day is a very appropriate day on which to Ordain people to Holy Orders in the Church. The Archangel Michael is presented in Scripture as one who serves God by protecting God’s people against every manifestation of evil. All of us, lay and ordained, are challenged at our Baptism to be like St. Michael and to fight against evil in all its disguises that God’s Kingdom may indeed come and God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Today we give thanks for St. Michael and All Angels.
Bible Reading: Revelation 12: 7-9 ; John 1: 47-51