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What is special about today? Well, “This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 Very true! This is also the day on which we remember one of the Saints, a Saint who since earliest times in the West has had two days set aside in the Calendar to celebrate his contribution to Christianity. His name is John the Apostle and the two dates are May 6 and December 27.

From the Gospels we know that John was the brother of James, the sons of Zebedee. Andrew, Simon Peter, James, and John were the earliest young men to become disciples of Jesus. John is called the “Beloved Disciple” in the Fourth Gospel. He is the one to whom Jesus gave the responsibility of caring for his mother, Mary, as he was dying on the cross. Jesus and John were very close friends before and after the resurrection. When his friend John was near the end of his life, Jesus sent his angel to reveal to John what would happen soon and in the future, so that the followers of Jesus would be encouraged and strengthened to remain faithful in their daily walk with their Lord and Saviour.  And so we pray, “Thank you O Lord, for the witness of your friend John,” and we join with John in saying, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!”

In your Bible find the Gospel, the three Letters, and the Revelation written by John the Apostle and read the whole of the shortest one.