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Dear friends,  

As Thanksgiving is almost upon us, there are many things to be thankful for at St. George's these days.  I'm thankful for the gift and grace of working, ministering, and building the kingdom alongside you.  I'm thankful for the gifts of our artist-in-residence, Thomas Roach, and for the beauty of the materials that are coming together into our artwork.  I'm so delighted by the laughter and playfulness and hard work that so many of you are bringing to the studio at Evergreen Community Spaces.  And I'm grateful for this break in the snowfall - for whatever we may think about the weather, the colours out in the country are truly beautiful when the sun shines!    

I'm grateful for all that our congregation has had the opportunity to do this past year, in the lives of our refugee brothers and sisters.  And I'm grateful for all the ways that we support and encourage one another too.  It has been a painful year for a number of people, and even in the midst of that pain, you have been the light of Christ for one another, shining in the midst of darkness.    

I'm grateful that the plans for our new home have gone out to tender, and that each day it becomes more and more a reality that we will some day step into.  I'm grateful for our community partner, Trinity Place, (though sometimes I grind my teeth at them) for their vision of making a home for low-income and hard-to-house seniors in NE Calgary.  And I'm grateful that there will be a day - a real day that will eventually come - when we return home to worship at 244 Templemont Dr.  

And in the meantime, I'm grateful for the ideas we have for a Year of Discipleship in 2020, and for the chance to work and dream and scheme with you for our common good.  

Thanks be to God for these and so many blessings in our life together, friends.  And a very happy Thanksgiving to all.  

God bless
